Thursday, March 1, 2012

Further Explorations of the Bhagavad Gita

Further explanation of the Bhagavad Gita something which Maharaj called "an interesting story" (to paraphrase) remember to never take anything too much to heart...don't take anything too absolutely. Remember the words of the Buddha:

Forsake all dharmas (teachings)

I was trying to explain earlier about what the message of the Bhagavad Gita is...what I believe it is. My belief is that the Gita is essentially supposed to be about ACTION. It discourages inaction, but even more that the Gita is about bravery and facing one's fears. That's why Krishna told Arjuna to go into battle even though Arjuna didn't want to. For perfectly legitimate reasons, by the way...Arjuna didn't want to HURT anybody. Krishna said, do it, makes no difference. That's why I love it, because it's a huge contradiction because in actuality India by and large is very peaceful. Krishna wasn't saying START a war, he was saying, just do your duty, and you'll find out sooner or later what the truth is and your confusion will subside. 

The reality is, this is a fact: we all have to face fears, we all have to do things which we don't really WANT to do, not only because they are difficult but because we're not sure if they're right or right for that particular moment. In light of this, we often hesitate, and Krishna says, like Nike, just do it. 

This is the essence of a new vocabulary term I'm going to introduce: Karma Yoga. Karma Yoga says: surrender the fruits of your labor to me (Krishna) and don't think about what you're doing, just do it. Don't worry about if it goes well, don't think about getting anything from it.....

Just do it. Do what you have to do. That's the teaching. That's all for today. 

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