Monday, March 5, 2012

Personal Reflections of a Meditative Nature

There is one moment, that moment is now. How is your moment? You see, this is forever. After the concept of birth and death is gone, after all the ideas about oneself are gone, the idea that remains is the ever-present state, the NOW. In this moment you are in pain, or perhaps, you are in pleasure. You have never been anywhere OTHER THAN this moment, nor will you ever be. This can feel sometimes limiting and other times liberating, but in the end...relaxing. This is all that was or will be. This is NOW.

In the flow of the stream, in the flow of eternal consciousness, the thing which prevents you from seeing this NOW are all the troubles and issues in your life. Had you the courage to flow with life, these would be seen as they are: ripples on the surface of consciousness.

No, no need to wander off into the woods, to do irrational or stupid things, no need to feed the dragon of fear and self-doubt. One simply has to live conscious and aware, willing to let go of the bad habits in order to enter the stream. The stream is Life, the stream is Self, have you secrets you are hiding? have you monsters under the floorboards? You know the type, the ones you knew you would never reveal, consider bringing them into the forefront, bringing them up for speculation, sort through the mechanism of being and thought.

I am moved by Cosmic Forces which exist beyond and Through me, but, they can only work through me if I put up no force, if I am willing to fulfill my own desires, pay attention to my heart, and stay aware. But most importantly, never to break this chain of knowing. The world is filled up, brimming with problems, issues, things which must be confronted. Are you willing to make the sacrifices necessary to give to people you hardly know? To be generous with people who might as well be your worst enemies, to be strong enough within yourself to be independent, to do things for yourself and not ask for charity?

"A day will dawn when you will laugh at your past efforts. That which will be the day you laugh is also here and now." - Ramana Maharshi

There is nothing to do because you are complete, here and now. Just be.

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