"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" ~Lao TzuI'll admit. I consider myself a pretty decent writer. I write this blog in the hopes that there are some people left on the planet who like to read. But I also plan to include a lot of video, and a lot of things for people who don't like to read, or don't have the time to. My goal is to guide the reader in their meditation path as easily as I can, from the knowledge I have gathered. I hope you can find some help in these pages, and if you are going to come by frequently, I hope you'll support my work by buying something from one of my links.
The things included in this blog will be:
-Overall review of concepts included in the study of meditation, eastern mysticism, oneness, non-duality, and a lot of other cool stuff. I shy away from Christianity and most of the Monotheistic religions, but you may hear an occasional mention of it.
My Goals:
-To create posts that are fun and interesting as well as being soothing, the kind of thing that will inspire you to meditate, to keep a meditation journal, to pay attention to your dreams, to find the inner artist, etc. I hope also to be entertaining, rich with content, variety, and I assume you will tell me what you like or dislike (during those rare times when I ask!).
Please don't be offended...
-I don't do this blog to incite criticism, debate, or even conversation... meditation is about silence. I am not "an authority" on anything except for maybe Jimmy John's menu or the Solo work of John Frusciante. I do hold a degree, but it has nothing to do with meditation. It is in Music Production. A lot of what I present is my opinion or personal interpretation of a concept or idea. Other times I will resort to "facts."I am not presenting a public forum for you to tell me about how "wrong I am" about "this or that." I hold nothing against you, but I tell you that my interest simply lies elsewhere. I am not your priest, your dentist, your doctor, lawyer, or your daughter's boyfriend, so please, keep the chit chat to yourself, this is my opinion, take it or leave it. :)
Having cleared that out of the way, let me tell you a little about myself:
I started on my path at the age of 15. I remember getting a book by the Dalai Lama called "How to Practice : The Way to a Meaningful Life". This was a crossroads for me. And at the time, somehow before I started reading, I knew it would be. I read a few interesting books after that, but the one that shook up my world was called "I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj". This was something that literally hit my nervous system like a FIRE STORM and consumed me, drug me into hell, sometimes into heaven, but always made me question. Here I am six years later, and I find quoting the book as easy as reciting my own name. Though I rarely look through it at all anymore....
But the other side of this, for those of us who are intellectually inclined, is the old tradition of SCRIPTURE that is, the written word, upon which we might think. In tandem, these two things can take you to "NIRVANA" as fast as a speedboat can run out of gas during the Arab Winter.
That's about it for the first post. Comments are disabled. :) -_- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~