Sunday, May 6, 2012

Being + Conciousness + Bliss

There is a saying in Yoga which is Sat-Chit-Ananda and it means, being consciousness bliss. The safety of our everyday existence is, we are not confronted by Profound Ideas. Ironically, we are safely trapped in ignorance, and, while this is miserable, it is often safer than venturing outside what we know to new areas. There is a saying that Buddha is supposed to have said which goes something like this:

"I will not let you give up the responsibility of your own freedom."

In other words, to take a step towards freedom, is also a step towards responsibility, and sometimes, danger, but remember, ignorance is bliss but truth is freedom. Truth eventually leads to a bliss which cannot even be compared to the bliss of ignorance, but few take the time to realize this. In any case, I also want to point out something else Maharaj said:

"You would get maturity quickly if you would stay in your nothingness...."

Staying in the consciousness means what? We are always in the consciousness aren't we? But the point is, to identify with consciousness or the Ocean of Awareness instead of "just" this individual identity. That in itself is the Sat+Chit+Ananda and they are all One, not separate.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Contradictions Aplenty

You've probably figured out by now that, in my view there is NO "right way" to act, think, be, or practice. The finality of the book "I Am That" is that it is a Negating force which does not pander to the thoughts and concepts of people. It's alright, in other words, to talk about karma, and know the reality of it, but to reject the idea completely is probably even better.

As you look through the book "I Am That" you're bound to find some serious contradictions. I did, when I first read it. It can be frustrating because you think, "Hey, how can I trust this guy if he's contradicting himself." This can be chalked up to two things, mainly, in my opinion.

1. The teaching is different for every person he talks to. Because he's literally reacting to what is going on in that person's world at that moment.
2. The teaching is a teaching which transcends logical thought. By its very nature the Absolute is beyond the mind, so, the teaching would naturally be beyond that which the mind is capable of grasping. However, just as you can have two different key signatures in the same song without it being two songs, or many different interpretive paintings of the same biblical scene, so too a couple of different angles may be necessary to view the same exact mental landscape.

I'm saying this to give you a glimpse into the world that appears when you begin to step out of the mind and into the soul, so to say. Its true we have all had soulful moments, some more than others.

As you dig into this, don't be surprised if you begin to have reactions. That's normal. Its part of the process of digging out what is within.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Violence, Anger, and the negative emotions....

Many spiritual traditions warn against the dangers of violence, anger, and other things which stem from or cause negative emotions. But few people realize just why its important to check yourself, so to say, when it comes to anger.

A lot of people I've known seem to enjoy getting angry, (it can sometimes be satisfying, at least in the short-term) but very few people enjoy that anger directed towards them. This is precisely why its important not to put it out. Because, what goes around comes around. That's the principle of karma. But karma is much more than the universe's way of punishing people. Its quite literally the Self treating the Self to what it deserves, in other words, far from others being simply your brothers and sisters in humanity, your fellow humans (and indeed all creatures) are quite literally, your very Self. Treating them well leads to you being treated well, and treating them badly likewise.

As it says in the Sublime song, "try and test that, you're bound to get served...."

You can try and test it, and I can promise you, you will come to this same conclusion. At any rate, many of us have had other people in our lives who had anger trouble, and its a good way to learn what not to do.

In the dhammapada it says, "He who checks rising anger as a charioteer checks a rolling chariot, him I call a true charioteer. Others only hold the reins."

To truly think about how you would want to be treated, is a very interesting exercise. And it can be very eye-opening. Another transcendental thinker, Maynard James Keenan, who is the lead singer for the band Tool, once mentioned in an interview that he sometimes writes down all the mean things he thinks about somebody and then imagines that he's actually talking about himself. It might be an interesting practice for you to try.

If you want to buy the Dhammapada, this is the best version I think.

It's full of wisdom you will continue to think about. It can make your life better, and the world better...that's a fact!